Nomaliphathwe Gwele, a young single mother of two, disabled infant, decides to improve her life. She joins a group in a land occupation action, to build her own shack in the new slum, risking violent evictions. […]
Theater: Wellington
Nobody’s Died Laughing
A documentary on the work of satirist Pieter-Dirk Uys, Nobody’s Died Laughing is quietly inspiring. It tells the story of one man who rolled up his sleeves and got on with the job, rather than just griping about everything that is bad. The story of a legendary man from an extraordinary country and the phenomenal […]
Ali, the Goat & Ibrahim
Ali loves a goat called Nada and Ibrahim hears voices from another world. Both young men are misunderstood and marginalized. Together, they embark on a journey that takes them around Egypt only to discover, through their strong friendship, that their ailment is in fact their strength. […]
A story of triumph, survival, hope, and a lesson in how to forgive and live through the eyes of a mother whose grief gives hope and a lesson in how to forgive and live, an artist who chose to forgive rather than seek revenge. group of young men and women whose determination and hard work […]