JULY 18, 2024 TO JULY 28, 2024

Di Den La Messagère (Mali)

GENRE: Documentary | Feature
LENGTH: 66 Minutes
LOCATIONS: Mali/Switzerland
DIRECTOR: Catherine De Viana
LANGUAGES: Bamabara/French/English Subtitles


Awards/Screening: FESPACO 2023, Canada Vues d’Afrique Montréal 2024

This is a great educational documentary for bee lovers, children and almost everyone who is interested in protecting our environment and the biodiversity.  Di Den means bee in Bambara. Di Den, a little bee–nature’s storyteller… In Mali, she’s a healer, messenger, warrior & more. While the Malian bee is healthy, the increase in pesticides use is threaten. It’s vital to avoid mistakes of developed countries to protect the bee and biodiversity. A journey through rural Mali to explore a mystical bond with bees. The role pay by the children, the experience of traditional and modern bee keepers in Mali and the scientific explanation by scholars make this documentary an important film.

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